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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my gift so important?

If you went to Adirondack Camp as a child, you already know the answer. Simply stated, summers at Adirondack Camp, as the song goes, mold young men and women. Chances are your birth-luck had a lot to do with your coming to Adirondack Camp. That is, your family could afford to send you.

Today, most great old camps like Adirondack Camp have gone the way of real estate developments. Meanwhile the cost of operating a camp has skyrocketed. Competition for the dwindling number of spots has grown even more intense. Adirondack Camp is fully subscribed, thus making it harder and harder to ensure a diverse camper body and to provide ample opportunities to less fortunate families.

So… your gift is extraordinarily important. An Adirondack Camp experience will help children less financially fortunate to build the foundations of confidence in self, ease and mutual respect with peers, and love for the great outdoors. And it will help Adirondack Camp to continue to strive for diversity in the camp experience.

Every component in a child’s life is important. Certainly, food in the belly, proper medical care, and a good education are essentials. Adirondack Camp would add a happy childhood and character building to that essentials list. Healthy bodies, active minds, emotional intelligence and integrity — a good prescription for a saner world!

If you believe, as we do, in this prescription and Adirondack Camp’s special role in it, we hope — as a former camper, parent, staffer or friend — you will reflect back on these remarkable childhood summers and what they have meant to you or someone close to you. Then please, consider your gift.
